BDSM during Corona time
Most of you know me and my website www.mrs-manita.com for years and may ask yourself why this new website came along?
Many of my guests have told me they really miss being able to visit my studio, therefor I invented BDSM in Corona times to replace the usual sessions in the studio.
We are all being challenged to experience our mutual passion in different ways. Due to the Corona restrictions there are limited options to engage in our bdsm lifestyle, the only possibility currently being virtual video-call.
So this website has been made with photo’s of the forrest and in my house for they will be the setting where we will be having our online sessions. I hope these photo’ s will arrouse and stimulate your imagination.
In my experience virtual BDSM will never be the same as realtime in the studio, still I am ready to take the challenge with you and try to create an incredible experience.
Mistress Manita

30 min
60 euros45 min
80 euros1 hr
100 euros15 min
15 euros30 min
20 euros45 min
30 euros1 hr
40 euros